
This is the period that begins on 6 January, the Feast of the Epiphany, and culminates on Martedi Grasso(literally Fat Tuesday but to Anglo Saxons, Shrove Tuesday). Venice’s Carnevale is well-known but it is also celebrated in towns throughout Italy, only in a more simple manner. Here in Amandola, the special deep fried pastries of Carnevale have already put in an appearance in the bakeries. The schools, the pre-school, the business and sporting groups are getting together to come up with some good ideas for their floats for the parade that will take place on the Sunday before Martedi Grasso ( this year 6 March). The whole town, but especially the children, enjoy the fun that comes with the costume preparations and the dressing up. The children go to colourful dressing up parties and take part in the parade, either on one of the floats or dressed up as their favourite character and watching the parade go by.

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