Chocolate Caramel Slice comes to La Mela Rosa. Hurray!!

Chocolate Caramel slice - Yum!!
Chocolate Caramel slice - Yum!!

Last Sunday for the first time in 5.5 years I made and ate Chocolate Caramel slice. It's taken me that long to discover that Conad, one of Amandola's three supermarkets, sells Nestle's condensed milk - in the tubes, not the tins but I wasn't going to be fussy. Anyway, we'd invited some Italian friends to discover the delights of a Devonshire Tea but the caramel slice was a bigger hit than the scones. In fact, we thought we'd have to call the ambulance for two of our friends who are diabetic as they ate so much of it! 

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    PINA (Sunday, 06 May 2012 21:24)

    ha un aspetto delizioso.....e' vero e' difficile a volte trovare alcuni ingredienti ma sei stata fortunata sei riuscita a trovare il latte condensato.....DA NOI SAREBBE STATO IMPOSSIBILE,BRAVA......

  • #2

    Pauline (Monday, 07 May 2012 08:28)

    Ciao Pina è buonissimaaa ma una bomba! C'è anche golden syrup con il latte condensato ma nostri amici mi lo portano da Australia perche l'uso spesso. Normalmente, trovo tutto qui...