Hydro-massage in La Mela Rosa's pool......???!

La Mela Rosa's pool - minus hydro-massage!
La Mela Rosa's pool - minus hydro-massage!




Yesterday, our lovely guest from Legnano (coincidentaly the first place I had a job in Italy in 1976) said how much she'd enjoyed our pool's hydro-massage..... ???


The pump for the filter was on and it creates a current in the pool. She thought it was a hydro-massage. I told her if that was what she wanted, then that's what it would be!

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Veronika (Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:43)

    Da freue ich mich auch schon riesig drauf. Endlich wieder entspannen und dem Alltag entfliehen.

  • #2

    Pauline Betts (Thursday, 20 June 2013 18:36)

    Wie schön, wir freuen uns auch. Das mit dem Entspannen wird gelingen hoffen wir.

    Liebe Grüsse