"Walking in the Sibillini" by Tamara Griffith

Walking in the Sibillini Mountains
Walking in the Sibillini Mountains

Our friend, Tamara Griffith, who is currently doing her masters in Managing Mountain Sustainability, has written a great guide to walking in the Sibillini Mountains. It is a mix of walking trails, history, recipes and Italian eccentricities!


Here is an excerpt from the introduction, A Celebration of Beauty:


The Sibillini is not an ordinary place made of information we already havesome knowledge of. The mountains are a different world, a better world many would say, and one need only walk a few minutes in their soporific beauty to feel curious about this inspiring place.


Walking and eating is a joyous combination, and the following pages offer some of the most memorable walks in Europe, as well as the original SlowFood recipes. Each mountain hamlet has its favourite traditional recipes passed down through generations. The simplicity of these recipes, and the speed with which they can be prepared was necessary for women who had more work than hours in the day. It is tempting to call this ‘historic fast food’, and the convenience of these recipes will appeal today.


Each walk in this book takes an historic mountain settlement as its point of departure, and includes its traditional recipe, as well as a description of the eventful history of the place.


Buona passeggiata e buon appetito!




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